
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Getting Started with TAB... Opening Drawing Studio

 This school year, we started off by painting our sketchbooks.  The sketchbooks will be like our ARTifact books, or portfolios... they will house the skills sets and ATC's that we work on throughout the year.

We painted the sketchbooks with either a warm or cool color scheme with tempera.  One half of the room was given red, yellow, orange and white paint, and the other side had green, blue, purple and white.  Students were given a choice on where they wanted to sit. The idea of the painted sketchbooks came from Cassie Stephens!  They were able to explore tempera painting skills such as blending, sgraffito, strokes, drybrushing and we talked about tint.

The students really enjoyed painting their own folders. It gave them a sense of ownership. We used plain manilla folders.  I am excited to see how these work out.

Now that the sketchbooks are ready to go, we spent a lesson on reading the book "What to do With an Idea" by Kobi Yamada and students filled out Where Do Artists get Ideas.  This was given to me by my colleague at Bridgeway Elementary, Ms. Baumann
Now we are opening Drawing Studio! Yay!! So exciting to get going in our studio centers.  Students are working on the following handout. You can find a viewable copy We are identifying where to find Drawing studio supplies. They are color-coded and organized and children are showing their skills in the boxes.  I know teachers have a different ways of opening studios... some are more flexible with skill sets. I like the accountability of having the uses of different mediums right in there sketchbooks for assessments. I hope this is helpful to anyone giving TAB/Choice a try... you won't ever regret it!


  1. I love your Where do artists get ideas sheet. Would you be able to share a copy?

  2. Hi Dawn,
    I shared a copy with you via google drive.

  3. This is great - are you willing to share your documents with me too? erica 8 7 3 at g mail dot com - TIA

    1. Yes, Erica, I would be happy to. There are links in the blogpost as well in case you need a link.

  4. I love your blog- thank you!
    The link for what to do with an idea seems to be down. Would you share please?

    Thanks so much!
