
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

2016 Legacy Project Underway for 3rd through 5th Graders

This year, we closed up studios for grades 3 through 5 to focus on a Ceramics Unit. We have a lot of special staff members retiring and "Soaring to New Adventures."  We loved how the "Only One You" ceramic installation turned out in our cafeteria, so we are working on hot air balloons for a Water Fountain Legacy project. You can see the water fountain space above.
First, I created new ceramic stamps for the children to use.

We have tons of different stamps for fun patterns.

Children rolled the clay.

Next, they used tracers and cut around the hot air balloons and smoothed the edges.

Then, students were able to add their patterns and designs.

I love how the kids made tons of different patterns.

Students added glaze. We used stroke and coat glaze to save a step of bisque firing.

Into the kiln.

 We are almost ready for the install. The paint has been ordered and we have to coat that first! Stay tuned for the end result! Watch a stop motion on how we got started!


  1. Hi Dawn,

    This post is several months old, so I'm not sure if you'll see my comment, but I'll ask anyway! I'm a Pre K - 8th grade art teacher, and wasn't planning on teaching this year, but suddenly got a call just 2 weeks before school is starting. I'd love to to Choice Based Art this year, but am wondering about this-- I love how you do the "skill set sheets". Do you have all students do the same sheet, no matter what area they're in? For example, if you're having them demonstrate they can create all the types of line (straight, curvy, etc), do they all do it in the same medium, or do they do it in the medium of the area they're in? I saw you did a value sheet-- did they all do it in colored pencil, or did the kids in fiber arts do it with fiber, and the kids in collage do it in collage?

    Thanks so much if you see this and have a chance to reply!

    PS- I'm from MO too :)

    1. Hello, hello Dear Ashley! Thank you for visiting WildcatsCreate! Wow! 2 weeks notice must have you busy with planning! You can have all students work on skill sheets, that's completely up to you and where the children are at. For example, this school year... we are starting with creating our sketchbooks and painting them with tempera. We went over different painting techniques and that will be the skill set for use with tempera. When we are finished with our sketchbooks, we are talking about where do artists get ideas and reading the storybook, "What to do with an Idea." We will then start opening studios. We will go over, creating texture with rubbing plates and crayons, waterbase marker, sharpie, colored pencils and oil pastels... then the children will demonstrate the use of the materials, be able to locate materials in the studios and wah-la, the studio will be open. We will then move towards the next studio. You do what feels natural and comfortable with you. There is no right or wrong way. I had the most fun and success when I stopped stalling and opened the studios... some skill sets can be taught as a skill builder for the week. Feel free to take a field trip and visit St. Louis some time. I would love to help you out anyway I can. Happy Creating!!! Find me on fb too, or instagram. Any of the skill sheets I have created can be shared out.
