Saturday, May 4, 2019

Communal Weaving Project - Temporary Fiber Arts Studio

Our first Fine Arts Night at Willow Brook was a celebration of Art in our Community, so we invited artists and crafters to come set up and share their process and works with our families. It was a great evening, we had author/illustrators, film editors, interior designers, ceramists and fine art painters and more...

The students had hands on opportunities with keyboards, orchestra instruments and our Communal Weaving Project.

I have the most amazing grandfather at Willow Brook.  He has two grandsons who I adore, and I don't want them to graduate from Willow Brook! Mr. H is an AMAZING talent. He takes my pinball ideas and brings them to life! This year, I wanted a hands-on fiber arts project for our students and he had it complete in less than 2 weeks.  He designed, painted and built a frame for chicken wire and created a temporary base that will be removed so that it can hang as a permanent work Art in our building. 

With the base, it stands vertically and children are able to work on it from both sides.  The project is 4'x6' and was a success at Fine Arts Night.  Currently, we have it as a temporary center in our Art Studio.  The children are loving it! I have children that come during their recess time to work on it! They are making their mark with sewing notions, ribbon and yarn.

Our communal artwork is an explosion of color and texture! When the piece is completed, it will be a permanent work of Art in our building.

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